Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ken Horton Could Be The Best Ever At Central Connecticut -

Ken Horton Could Be The Best Ever At Central Connecticut -

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  1. Ken Horton is a good player, but there is n they put out is about himo way he is anywhere close to the best ever in the NEC. I have seen many more players come through better than him. It is somewhat funny that every other story that comes out is about him. Also coach Dickenman is way too over-confident every year lately. i am tired of his BS saying that this years team is going to be special. He says the same every year. I dont see how they can understand what he says anyway. Any of you hear his deep gruff voice? CCSU will make the playoffs and lose first game as they have been doing.

  2. Somehow my post got cut up at the beginning. I meant to say, that there is no way he is the best ever. that and every other story these days is about Horton. too much more talent in NEC than to over promote him like that. He should receive the over-rated chants from the Maniacs this year.
